
Guangzhou Overseas Experience Center Was Grandly Opened

2022-11-18 15:53

————On June 8th,2022

Guangzhou Overseas Experience Center is our first overseas sensory experience center in South China, aiming to provide a platform for Chinese scientists around the world. At the same time, we will be able to respond quickly and flexibly to the product needs of our customers and consumers around the world in a globally diversified market.

Guangzhou Overseas Experience Center Was Grandly Opened

Congratulations from our partners

Guangzhou Overseas Experience Center is in line with the strategic plan of Kyphi 2.0.We have just experienced our first decade, and we are in full bloom.

Guangzhou Overseas Experience Center Was Grandly Opened

Communicate with foreign customers

The establishment of the Guangzhou Experience Center further demonstrates our determination to explore the Chinese market, contribute to the economic development of South China, and provide quality services to our international customers, marking the second successful step in our overseas business.We have the confidence and ability to bring natural, high-quality products to consumers around the world.

Guangzhou Overseas Experience Center Was Grandly Opened

Welcome to our Guangzhou Overseas Experience Center!!

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